On this page, GMAA Coaches & Athletic Coordinators have access to 3 important tools to help them coach their badminton team each season.
1. Badminton Camp for GMAA students. Interested student(s) who want to level-up their game and have a really positive experience can do the TBC badminton camp in the fall and/or winter. They'll have a blast playing with other passionate players and coaches. Simply input their email address here & we'll follow-up with them for you!
Advantages for GMAA students:
- Free to try for all GMAA students
- 12 weeks of badminton play + training
- Aims to level-up their game with focus on their next step in development
- Our pro coaches are fun & here to help
- Both singles + doubles play, technical + tactical learning
- Athletic & socially positive experience.
2. Badminton Coaching tools. This coaching handbook and exercise template sheet will get you on your way to coaching your team the way you choose.
Badminton Coaching Handbook
(all the good stuff... coming 2020)
Design your own Exercises on this:
3. Direct Access to Local Junior Badminton Tournaments.
Your students can now register directly into regional badminton tournaments throughout the year. This is the first time GMAA students have access to these.
a) Discuss. Talk with your keen players to offer them this additional tournament experience.
b) Sign-up. Direct them to the tournament sign-up page.
c) Come play. Be a part of our TBC Team. Players receive coaching &supervision.
Next Tournament:
Sunday Nov. 10th 2019
LSL Regionals @ Villa Maria (sign-updeadline Wed. November 6th).